
Apartments at Redrow's Lodge Farm

Redrow’s vision for Lodge Farm is to create a truly cohesive neighbourhood, with a strong sense of local identity. The development meets the changing needs and aspirations of residents in a safe, walkable and cyclist friendly environment.

Lodge Farm is a high-quality development that provides a welcoming entrance to Witham and enhances the overall character of the town. Lodge Farm was allocated as a designated development site by Braintree District Council, within their adopted 2011 Core Strategy. The site was granted outline permission in May 2016 for:

“… The erection of up to 750 dwellings, Primary School and early years centre, an enterprise centre, and retention of existing barn buildings for mixed use purposes… with associated infrastructure and landscaping…”

Reserved matters planning applications were subsequently submitted and planning permissions secured for the first phases of development - enabling the delivery of the first 308 new homes.

In October 2021, Braintree District Council's Planning Committee members resolved to grant planning permission for the final phases of development which will complete the scheme. The final application sought permission to deliver: